The exhibition “3D Lettering on Buildings” at the Zurich Museum für Gestaltung (Design Museum), located at the Toni Areal, ran from 7 December 2018 to 14 April 2019. Several Bivgrafik projects featured in the show. For the duration of the exhibition, the museum gave us free rein to play with the “north face” of the large entrance hall to the Toni Areal. The wall – twenty metres wide by seven metres high – is located next to the entrance to the museum’s exhibition rooms. The arrangements we created on the wall served a dual purpose: they were an advertisement for the exhibition as well as an independent project exploring the topic of lettering in architectural space.
We took advantage of the opportunity to let negative space come to the fore. We added colour as the mood struck us, and we set lettering elements without regard for creating legible text. With their powerful presence, the 71 counters set the tone in the entrance hall. As of June 2019, a selection of the various arrangements can be viewed in the “Schaudepot” at the museum’s previous location.
Commissioned by:
Museum für Gestaltung, Zurich
Concept and design:
Natalie Bringolf, Kristin Irion, Laura Moor, Elias Müller, Mirjam Murer, Yvonne Schneider