In the new “Mozaïk” building, the institutions for health and social services and the general directorship at the Fribourg campus of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland are united under a single roof. In addition to lecture halls, classrooms, offices, a cafeteria and a common library, the building also has special simulation rooms for clinical lessons.
The narrow yet pronounced metallic lettering provides a contrast to the generous architectural space and sand-blasted concrete façades. Depending on the fall of light, the delicate letters cast a different, more robust shadow. In the interior, the tilting letters mark the main areas in French; otherwise, the signage is in German and French.
Route des Arsenaux 16a, 1700 Freiburg
New build:
Armon Semadeni Architekten, Zurich
Commissioned by:
Canton of Fribourg, Hochbauamt
Sarah Bähler, Natalie Bringolf, Milana Herendi, Kristin Irion, Elias Müller, Yvonne Schneider, Ramona Tschuppert
Bivgrafik; Roman Keller, Zurich (image 4)