The Bezirksgebäude (district governmental building) in Dietikon houses five separate public sector services: the police force, the public prosecutor’s office, the district court, the district prison, and district administration.

The sign system draws on the building’s materials. The individual letters on the façade are made of moulded concrete, those in the building’s interior have been cut from concrete and wooden panels. While the lettering’s substance is of a deliberate solidity, their outward appearance alters with shifts in lighting and perspective.

  • Address:

    Bahnhofplatz 10, 8953 Dietikon

  • New build:


  • Architecture:

    Andy Senn Architektur, St.Gallen

  • Commissioned by:

    Hochbauamt Kanton Zürich

  • Project team:

    Natalie Bringolf, Kristin Irion, Andrea Näpflin

  • Photography:

    Hochbauamt Kanton Zürich, Mark Röthlisberger (photo 7, 8); Bivgrafik