“Chantun Sur” is a residential complex in the city of Pontresina in the Swiss alps. The complex comprises three separate buildings with several apartments for sale. The building site plan was developed by Peter Märkli, and three architectural offices were consulted for the design of the houses: Christof Ansorge, Ingrid Burgdorf and Alex Herter. A sales prospectus, cards and a website were designed to introduce the project.
Concept and design:
Natalie Bringolf, Robin Haller, Kristin Irion
Commissioned by:
Gian P. Saratz Erben, Pontresina
Building site plan:
Peter Märkli, Zurich
Alex Herter, Architekt ETH/SIA, Meilen, Christof Ansorge, Architekt ETH, Zurich, Ingrid Burgdorf, Architektin ETH/SIA/BSA, Zurich
Paula Troxler, Zurich